Your Local Tacoma Attorneys

Co-Parenting Made Easier

On Behalf of | Dec 20, 2019 | Divorce


The law in Washington has specific requirements for couples who have children and want to divorce. They are required to attend court-ordered parenting classes for divorce. Even the best of parents may need some help in learning how to co-parent their children after the marriage ends.

The Court will give you notice concerning the parenting classes once the divorce papers are filled. In compliance with Washington divorce law, a Tacoma Divorce Attorney is within your reach to walk you through the divorce process. Your success as our client is our ultimate success.

Court-appointed Providers

The Court may list for you several approved providers of divorce court-ordered parenting classes. If the list lacks, confirm with the Court Clerk’s office that the class you’re considering is recognized by the court.

You may be needed to submit a completion certificate of the course to the Court. Alternatively, the course provider can submit the certificate on your behalf.

Parenting Classes: High Conflict and Co-parenting Classes

1.      High Conflict Classes

High conflict parenting classes offer strategies on how both parents can raise their children. But, keep minimum direct contact between the parents. It is a good choice for cases with histories of domestic violence or for parties dealing with a custody battle.

2.      Co-Parenting Classes

Classes here work best for cases where parents have an amicable relationship. The content of the course focuses on how both parents can still remain involved in their children’s lives.

Online Court Ordered Parenting Classes for Divorce

There may be parents who may have valid reasons for not attending on-site parenting classes. Others may prefer going through course materials at their own convenient time. Online parenting classes may favor such parents.

Advantages of Online Parenting Classes

The Court with jurisdiction over your divorce case may recognize parenting classes offered online, therefore reaping you some advantages. Which include:

  • Convenience

You may study at a location and time of your choice. And, you are able to log in and access the course content from any place with internet connectivity.

  • Privacy

Only you, the assigned Court staff, and your course provider know that the program has been signed up by you. That is unless you decide to share the information with others.

  • Self-Pace

Online classes allow you to learn at your own pace and even revisit a section that wasn’t clear to you.

Getting Approval for Online Classes

You should not enroll in an online course before getting approval from the Court. In order to convince the Court, submit the URL of the website, the company’s name, and the topics covered. Your Tacoma divorce attorney can efficiently go through this process on your behalf.

Topics Covered in Divorce Parenting Classes

  • The procedures in resolving child support and time-sharing disputes.
  • The emotional problems and experiences of divorcing adults.
  • The emotional needs and concerns of the children.
  • Family relationships and dynamics.
  • Issues concerning child abuse or neglect
  • Availability of community resources and services

In case one or both parents fail to attend the classes, the Court may decide not to grant the divorce. And, may hold the parent in contempt of court.

Contact Us

Tacoma divorce attorneys are here to help you in finding the best way forward. Don’t hesitate. Call us today, 253-300-2055.